1987 born in Berlin/ Staaken | from an early age enthusiastic about drawing and painting
2007-11 Bachelor's degree in German Philology and Philosophy, Free University of Berlin
Thematic focus:
— Theories of memory, Walter Benjamin, Hugo von Hofmannsthal, Sigmund Freud
— Connection between corporeality, thought and imagination
May 2011 Graduation B.A. German Philology and Philosophy
— Creation of first own texts
2011-15 Master's degree in Philosophy, Free University of Berlin
Thematic focus:
— Phenomenology, theories of corporeality, Edmund Husserl, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Hermann Schmitz, Helmuth Plessner
— Aesthetics, perception and imagination, Gernot Böhme, Jean-Paul Sartre
— Alienation and identity, Rahel Jaeggi, Michel Foucault
— Myth/ mythical consciousness, C.G. Jung, Henri Bergson, Gaston Bachelard
2011-14 Project-related work contracts for the Phenomenology, Ethics and Interdisciplinary Gender Studies department under Prof Hilge Landweer, FU Berlin
2013 Work with body-oriented acting and conflict dramaturgy as part of the production of Jean Racine's tragedy "Phaedra", THEATER.REDUX in the amateur theatre "Kleines Theater Falkensee"
Since 2013 alongside her studies to date: work as a freelance artist in studios in Berlin, from 2017 to 2019 in parallel in Istanbul | Exhibitions in cultural centres and galleries in Potsdam, Berlin, Paris, Rome and Istanbul, including Kulturhaus Babelsberg Potsdam, Lettrétage Berlin, ART Vision Gallery Istanbul, Artifact Gallery New York, Galerie feinart berlin, Galerie Sheriban Türkmen Berlin
2014-15 Drawing studies at collection of antique sculpture, Berlin-Charlottenburg
May 2015 Graduation M.A. Philosophy
— Thesis topic: "The laughing and crying body. On the significance of corporeality for the person in Helmuth Plessner and Hermann Schmitz"
2015-16 Teacher for art, Lise-Meitner-Gymnasium, Falkensee
2015-17 Study of art history and social and cultural anthropology, FU Berlin
2019 USA: Presentation of own artworks at the art fairs ArtExpo New York and SPECTRUM Miami
2021 ArtExpo Zurich
2022 Member of Bundesverband Bildender Künstler Berlin (BBK)
2023 new work series and texts in process:
- Dolls and artificial alter egos (Unica Zürn, Hans Bellmer)
- Sailing houses
- Cherry blossom pictures
"Maria Wirth, Dramas on Canvas 2012-2017", Berlin 2017, ISBN 978-3-940021-81-6
"Figures as Ornaments. Maria Wirth", Begleitheft zur Ausstellung, Galerie feinart berlin, Berlin 2019
„Maria Wirth“, in: Otto Nagel Art Collection 01, Istanbul 2019, S. 156-195
12/2023 "Puppet garden" | Galerie feinart berlin
12/2022 Sibyl smile. C.D. Aschaffenburg and Maria Wirth | Galerie feinart berlin
12/2021 Wunschmaschinen | Galerie feinart berlin
10/2021 Nimmernacht | Galerie Sheriban Türkmen, Berlin
09/2020 Welcome to my zoo | Galerie feinart berlin
12/2019 Spectrum Miami, USA
11/2019 No bodies but minds | Galerie feinart berlin
09/2019 Monaco Yacht Show | Galerie feinart berlin
05/2019 Figures as Ornaments | Galerie feinart berlin
04/2019 ArtExpo New York
09/2018 UnMaking Characters | Galerie feinart berlin
02-04/2018 Surreal Gardens between Baku and Berlin | Galerie feinart berlin
11/2017 3 TAGE KUNST. Messe für Gegenwartskunst | Kommunale Galerie Berlin
05-07/2017 SuiSides, opening exhibition | Galerie feinart berlin
04/2017 Women's Essence Paris | Espace Commines
11/2016 Artist in Residence | Gallery ART Vision Otto Nagel, Istanbul
10/2016 Dramas on Canvas | Tristan & Isolde, Berlin
02/2016 art exhibition Mercedes-Benz-Center Berlin-Reinickendorf
2015 Schöneberger Art Berlin
2014, 2015, 2016 "Galerie Denk-Mal", Nauen
09/2015-02/2016 Sinnsüchte | Café Noura, Berlin
04/2015 Wunderblöcke - sich verfertigende Gedanken | Schönwalde (Glien)
2013, 2015 participation in Offene Ateliers Havelland
11/2014 KunstEvent Zeit-Geister | Lettrétage Berlin
11/2013 Un-Wesen: nächtliche Portraits von Leidenschaften | Kulturhaus Babelsberg, Potsdam
05/2013 Traumgestalten | Galerie Schneeweiß, Falkensee
Author, blogger and curator Silke Tobeler visited the exhibition "Wunschmaschinen"